SOS Ppinsettias for sale. $15 each. Please contact the elementary office to purchase.
about 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH BB A team falls 20-37 to Louisville.
about 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH BB B team falls 25-27 to Louisville.
about 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH BB C team defeats Louisville 28-24.
about 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Soup Supper - Dec 22nd - 5:00 PM - Cost $6:00 Bake Sale/Auction - Holiday Treats! - Lots of treats to choose from
about 2 years ago, Nichole Justesen
Bake Sale Dec 22
Congratulations to the following girls for earning Lincoln Journal Star ALL- STATE: Elmwood-Murdock— Honorable Mention - Delaney Frahm, Tatum Backemeyer, Madison Justesen, Jordan Vogler
about 2 years ago, Nichole Justesen
Boys Varsity Final: E-M 53, David City 44
about 2 years ago, Lance Steffen
Girls Varsity Final: E-M 49, David City 31
about 2 years ago, Lance Steffen
Boys JV Final: Elmwood-Murdock 37 David City 24
about 2 years ago, Monte Frerichs
Boys J.V. Halftime score: Elmwood-Murdock 15 David City 17
about 2 years ago, Monte Frerichs
Final score Auburn 48 E-M 31
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Knights down 32-20 after 3
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Knights down at the half 21-16 to Auburn
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Auburn leads the Knights after the first qtr 10-5
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Lady Knights win over Auburn 28-27
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Lady Knights lead 23-21 at the end of 3
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Lady Knights lead 18-12 over Auburn at the half
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Lady Knights up 18-7 over Auburn at the end of the first quarter
about 2 years ago, Kyle Rohrig
Congratulations to the Elmwood-Murdock One-Act team and coaches on placing 3rd in today’s state competition! Outstanding Actor Awards: Haylee, Wyatt, Lily, Hannah, and Averi - Congratulations!
about 2 years ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
one act
HS Girls Basketball Final Score: Elmwood Murdock: 47 Louisville: 22
about 2 years ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer