BBB Final Score: Elmwood Murdock 56, Tri-County 54.
about 5 hours ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
BBB Halftime Score: Tri-County 30, Elmwood Murdock 29.
about 6 hours ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
GBB Final Score: Elmwood Murdock 50, Tri-County 42.
about 7 hours ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
GBB Halftime Score: Elmwood Murdock 29, Tri-County 17.
about 7 hours ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
Elmwood-Murdock Schools will have a 2-hour late start on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
1 day ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
BBB Final Score: Elmwood Murdock 65, Conestoga 56.
4 days ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
BBB halftime score: Elmwood Murdock 28, Conestoga 24.
4 days ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
GBB Final Score: Elmwood Murdock 58, Conestoga 31.
4 days ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
GBB Halftime Score: Elmwood Murdock 27, Conestoga 10.
4 days ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
February menus are available.
6 days ago, Paul Dwyer
The Chemistry students extracted pigments from poinsettias. They will then use the pigments as an acid/base indicator to develop a color scale with known pH values. Then they will use their scale to classify the pH of unknown substances. Thanks parents for donating your plants!
7 days ago, Laura Stock
Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade quiz bowl teams who placed 1st in yesterday's Cass County Quad meet and 1st overall for the season.
8 days ago, Lisa Hynes
8th grade
7th grade
Boys C-Team Final Score: Elmwood-Murdock 30 Weeping Water 41
8 days ago, Monte Frerichs
Boys C-Team Halftime Score: Elmwood-Murdock 12 Weeping Water 22
8 days ago, Monte Frerichs
Boys C Team Final Score: Elmwood -Murdock 43 Mead 49
8 days ago, Monte Frerichs
Boys C-Team Halftime Score: Elmwood-Murdock 28 Mead 25
8 days ago, Monte Frerichs
BBB Final- E-M- 39 Auburn- 62
10 days ago, Zach Barrett
BBB End of 3- E-M- 30 Auburn- 42
10 days ago, Zach Barrett
BBB Halftime- E-M- 18 Auburn- 32
10 days ago, Zach Barrett
BBB End of 1- E-M- 8 Auburn- 13
10 days ago, Zach Barrett