Congratulations to the 2023 B103 Radio Quiz Bowl Tournament team, Nathan Miller (Captain), Garrett Pleiss, and Drake Clements on being named Champions in this year's tournament. Today's championship round was against the team from Shenandoah (IA) High School. Match 1: EM 3, Shenandoah 2, Match 2: EM 8, Shenandoah 7. Match 2 went into a record 5 overtime questions! Go, Knights!!!
almost 2 years ago, Lisa Hynes
EM 2023 B103 FM Quiz Bowl Tournament team (l to r) Drake Clements, Nathan Miller(Captain), and Garrett Pleiss
2023 EMVB Junior High Camp (current 6th grade and 7th grade ) May 30- June 1st Access the form:
almost 2 years ago, Nichole Justesen
EM VB JH Camp Forms - May 30 - June 1 - Forms can be accessed at st
Congrats to the following girls for making the ECNC GBB All-Conference Team. Tatum Backemeyer - First Team Laney Frahm - First Team Jordan Vogler - Second team Ella Zierott - Honorable Mention
almost 2 years ago, Paul Dwyer
Mr. E (Eric Bensalah)from OPPD visited with the 9th grade Curriculum 4 Careers class about careers in the energy field. Students learned about the diverse jobs available at OPPD.
almost 2 years ago, Lisa Hynes
Mr E. from OPPD
Congrats to Laney Frahm on being selected to the 3rd team All-KMAland GBB Nebraska Team.
almost 2 years ago, Paul Dwyer
Congrats to Tatum Backemeyer on being selected to the 1st team All-KMAland GBB Nebraska Team.
almost 2 years ago, Paul Dwyer
April breakfast and lunch menus are now available.
almost 2 years ago, Paul Dwyer
Last call for ordering State Speech Shirts! Support our 2023 State Speech Champions and wear the gear with the winning team. Orders due tomorrow (3/20/2023)! Proceeds go towards the Speech Program, and you'll look great, too!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hogue
Congratulations Bri Ross! Entertainment C-2 State Speech Runner-Up!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Macy Howard, Marion Day, Haylee Josoff, and Averi Hogue! OID C-2 State Speech 5th Place!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Hanna and Haylee Josoff! Duet Acting C-2 State Champions!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Averi Hogue! Poetry C-2 State Speech Runner-Up!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Wyatt Baker! POI C-2 State Speech 3rd Place!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Lily Pope! POI C-2 State Speech 4th Place!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations to Hanna Josoff! Humorous C-2 State Speech Runner-Up!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations to Lily Pope! Humorous C-2 State Speech Champion!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Congratulations Elmwood Murdock Speech Team and Coaches on being the 2023 Class C-2 State Champions!
almost 2 years ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
Congratulations Elmwood-Murdock Speech Team! C-2 Champions!!!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
Don't forget State Speech Shirt orders are due tomorrow (3/13/23) morning at 8:30am! We would love your support and the profit go towards the Speech Program! Plus, they look so snazzy!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hogue
Congrats EM Speech Team! District Champions!
almost 2 years ago, Trisha Nichelson
district champs