HS Volleyball: Elmwood Murdock beats Mead three sets to zero.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: Lady Knights take the first set from Mead 25-14.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: EM junior varsity beats Mead two sets to one.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
The cross country team performed well today at RC Invite! All 3 HS girls were in top 28 individually, 3 PRs (Personal Records), and JH Boys team placed 5th, only 4 points separated teams placing 3-4-5. Go Knights!
over 1 year ago, Coach Burbach
JH and HS team
Hannah Petersen led Lady Knights golf to a 6th place team finish today at the LCS Invitational with a 105...team score 444. Rose Offner had a career best 116 and Jacie Fleischman tied her career best with a 108!
over 1 year ago, Curt B
​Support the Elmwood-Murdock Volleyball team as they team-up for Breast Cancer Awareness at the annual Pink-Out game on October 17. Order your shirt by downloading the form. https://5il.co/25vzt
over 1 year ago, Paul Dwyer
VB Order
5th grade had a fun field trip to the Environmental Fair at the Cass County Fairgrounds!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Parsons
Congratulations to the following students selected for the 2023 Nebraska All- State Children's Choir!!! They will perform in November at the Lied Center for performing arts in Lincoln! Gemma Zoz Jameson Mcbride Sophie Collins Joey Wilson
over 1 year ago, Mindy Graff
selected fifth grade students
JH VB Scores: A - win 25-17, 25-22 B - fall in 3 close sets, 23-25, 25-23, 16-18 C - win 25-17, 25-22
over 1 year ago, Jenna Kramer
HS Volleyball: Lady Knights take the second set and match from Syracuse 25-19.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: Lady Knights take the first set from Syracuse 25-16.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: EM takes the second set and match from Palmyra 25-23.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: Lady Knights take the first set from Palmyra 25-14.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
JH Volleyball Championship: Elmwood-Murdock loses to Syracuse in 2 sets.
over 1 year ago, Monte Frerichs
JH Football loses to JCC 6-20
over 1 year ago, Paul Dwyer
The golf dual with Palmyra scheduled for 4:00 tomorrow at Grandpa's Woods has been canceled.
over 1 year ago, Curt B
JH Football Final score: Elmwood-Murdock 6 JCC 22
over 1 year ago, Monte Frerichs
High School Cross Country had a great showing at the UNK Invite! Two runners in top 100, two personal records, and six great finishes!
over 1 year ago, Coach Burbach
EM team
E-M Knights JH Volleyball take the 1st match 2-1 over Weeping Water
over 1 year ago, Monte Frerichs
Madi Lambert led Lady Knights golf to a runner-up finish at the E-M Invitational today with a career best school record 83...team score 355. Hannah Petersen (87) 5th and Jacie Fleischman (91) also were medalists.
over 1 year ago, Curt B