HS Volleyball: EM takes the first set from Freeman 25-20.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
Both sections of Foods class started their baking unit with quick breads. Each kitchen group made muffins. They looked and smelled delicious!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Hynes
November breakfast and lunch menus are now available. https://5il.co/27740
over 1 year ago, Paul Dwyer
HS Volleyball: EM takes the fourth set and match from JCC 25-16.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: EM takes the third set from JCC 25-16.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: EM takes the second set from JCC 25-23.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
HS Volleyball: JCC takes the first set from EM 25-16.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
Friday the 13th with Spanish Club
over 1 year ago, Mr Camina
ECNC VB Championship: Elmwood Murdock takes the fourth set and match from Palmyra 25-15. 2023 Conference Champions! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
ECNC VB Championship: EM takes the third set from Palmyra 25-11.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
ECNC VB Championship: Palmyra takes set two from EM 25-18.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
ECNC VB Championship: Elmwood Murdock takes the first set from Palmyra 25-13.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Knippelmeyer
JH VB A team defeats NC Lourdes in 2nd set 25-17, win match.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH A team defeats NC Lourdes in first set 25-13.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH B team defeats NC Lpurdes in 2nd set 25-15. Takes match.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
Final score: Knights 76 BT 31
over 1 year ago, Kyle Rohrig
JH B team wins first set 25-15 over Neb City Lourdes.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH C team volleyball defeats NC Lourdes 15-11 in third set. Knights win match.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH C team volleyball falls in second set 21-25.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson
JH C team VB wins first set 25-16 over Nebraska City Lourdes.
over 1 year ago, Trisha Nichelson