HS Volleyball: EM takes the first set from Freeman 25-20.

Both sections of Foods class started their baking unit with quick breads. Each kitchen group made muffins. They looked and smelled delicious!

November breakfast and lunch menus are now available. https://5il.co/27740

HS Volleyball: EM takes the fourth set and match from JCC 25-16.

HS Volleyball: EM takes the third set from JCC 25-16.

HS Volleyball: EM takes the second set from JCC 25-23.

HS Volleyball: JCC takes the first set from EM 25-16.

Friday the 13th with Spanish Club

ECNC VB Championship: Elmwood Murdock takes the fourth set and match from Palmyra 25-15.
2023 Conference Champions! Congratulations!

ECNC VB Championship: EM takes the third set from Palmyra 25-11.

ECNC VB Championship: Palmyra takes set two from EM 25-18.

ECNC VB Championship: Elmwood Murdock takes the first set from Palmyra 25-13.

JH VB A team defeats NC Lourdes in 2nd set 25-17, win match.

JH A team defeats NC Lourdes in first set 25-13.

JH B team defeats NC Lpurdes in 2nd set 25-15. Takes match.

Final score: Knights 76 BT 31

JH B team wins first set 25-15 over Neb City Lourdes.

JH C team volleyball defeats NC Lourdes 15-11 in third set. Knights win match.

JH C team volleyball falls in second set 21-25.

JH C team VB wins first set 25-16 over Nebraska City Lourdes.