The Friend Golf Invite has been moved to this Thurs., 4/5, with an 11:00 a.m. start time.
over 6 years ago, Curt B
over 6 years ago, EM Knights
2nd place for Knights Golf at the Syracuse Invitational! Riley - 2nd, Zach - 7th, Wes - 8th
almost 7 years ago, Curt B
2018 Egg Drop at the Elementary Science Fair!
almost 7 years ago, EM Knights
Science Fair 2018
almost 7 years ago, Mike Hanson
15th annual Elmwood-Murdock S.T.E.M. Fair. 87 elementary students participated this year.
almost 7 years ago, EM Knights
This group of 6th graders represented our school at the Cass County Quad Quiz Bowl this year. Together we are champions!
almost 7 years ago, JoDee Paulsen
Congrats to the 6th Grade Quiz Bowl Team for winning today's Cass County Quad Meet!!
almost 7 years ago, JoDee Paulsen
Correction... STEM Fair date should be Monday, March 26th
almost 7 years ago, Curt B
STEM fair cont..k-3 judged 6:30-7:30 pm..awards @ invited to attend
almost 7 years ago, Curt B
STEM Fair Mon, 3/28, projects due at school by 12:00 noon..grades 4-6 judged 1:15-3:00 pm..k-3 have help setting up at that time
almost 7 years ago, Curt B
Caleb Jones C State Band
almost 7 years ago, Mike Hanson
Class C State Concert Live Feed Saturday, March 24 5:00pm
almost 7 years ago, Mike Hanson
Talking to Sophomores about Sencap opportunities through Southeast Community College
almost 7 years ago, EM Knights
Super Hero Day!
almost 7 years ago, Cora DeMike
Knights defeat Palmyra 149 to 215 in the first golf meet of the season!
almost 7 years ago, Curt B
State Speech dinner in Kearney!!! Good luck to Molly tomorrow in Humorous Prose!!!
almost 7 years ago, Mrs. Hogue
Disney Day!
almost 7 years ago, Cora DeMike
Fun with LEDs and conducting dough in 9th grade science.
almost 7 years ago, Laura Stock
Fun dressing up like what what we want to be when we grow up!
almost 7 years ago, Cora DeMike